Limitation of responsibilities

  • WeMax doesn’t guarantee the total reliability, readiness or continuity of this website neither their contents for reasons of: security, technicians, control or maintenance of the service or other middlemen or supplying, as well as for computer acts, neither any other reason that is derived of causes that escape to their control and habitual administration, for the one that s’exime of any direct responsibility, insinuation, special or derived.
  • In WeMax values its health especially, it is for this reason that we recommend a active and healthy estil of life that contains a varied diet and balanced, activity daily, good physical hydrate and moderation in the one consumption of alcohol and tobacco. Although WeMax is a natural product without preservatives, if you suffer: gastritis, osteoporosis, hypertension or you are following poor diets in sodium or you are under medical control for any other reason, please ask to your doctor the compatibility of consumption of our product.
  • WeMax notices that the images shown in its website are only orientative, it will prevail the textual description in any service or product offered.
  • WeMax encourages users to follow the instructions attached to the product acquired, and in any event it dissuades any other use that is not indicated in the instructions.
  • All links, external pages, businesses or any other service mentioned in this website are informative. WeMax disclaims any liability with all the effects that may arise, we cannot ensure the compliance of the current Spanish legislation by third party services. The user has to care their own interests, as well as read and understand the privacy policies of third parties.